For the third straight year, the European Innovation Council has organized the EIC Corporate Days, gathering innovative European SMEs and large corporates to take full advantage of partnering opportunities.

This year, the pharmaceutical giant ROCHE was also invited to meet EIC-funded SMEs and participate in the EIC Corporate Day initiative. From 22 till 25 June 2020, a limited hand-picked number of EIC companies had the opportunity to pitch and present their innovative solutions and to engage in One-to-One Business meetings with Roche representatives. The selected EIC-funded SMEs had also the opportunity to attend the Roche Partnering for Innovation Summit Summit, with workshops, a marketplace, discussions and keynote speeches.

React4life among the top 23

React4life was selected as one of the 23 EIC top innovators that had the chance to pitch their product MIVO, Multi-In-Vitro Organi device and the B2B project to Roche. According to Maurizio Aiello, CEO of React4life and partner in B2B: “Less than the 8% of the application (23 out of 302) got selected as promising companies for potential future collaboration with Roche; this great result confirms the high potential of our technology, which is tightly connected to the B2B research line. We are glad for this opportunity and looking forward to expand our objectives.”

Congratulation to our team and for a more extensive view on the innovations by R4L check out this interview to CEO Maurizio Aiello: